
Next Day
  • To-Do web app that allows users to manage task lists and tasks using the "Pomodoro" focus timer.
  • Users can create an account or log in with Google.
  • The app allows users to perform CRUD operations on tasks and task lists.
  • It is deployed on Vercel.

ReactNext.jsThin.devTailwind CSS

Next Meal
  • Progressive web app that generates a random meal with a recipe to help users decide what to eat.
  • The app fetches data from the "TheMealDB" API.
  • It is deployed on Vercel and can be installed on any device.

ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSdaisyUI

Hello Fresh Clone
  • Clone of the Hello Fresh meal service website, built as a practice project using Astro for static site generation and Tailwind CSS for styling.
  • It is deployed on GitHub Pages.

AstroHTMLTailwind CSSTypeScript